Most people are familiar with the word Clairvoyant. No matter what path you choose to follow, this word has surely been mentioned once or twice. Whether in a positive or negative light. A Clairvoyant is an individual who has a supernatural ability to predict future events (among other things). But clairvoyance is not the only "supernatural ability" out there. This article will set into detail the difference between an individual who is clairvoyant and an individual who is clairsentient.
When one hears the word clairvoyant, the first image that pops up is probably something like this. This is pretty accurate in my opinion. Clairvoyants are also called "Fortune Tellers" as they can typically "see" your future. Through using devices such as tarot cards or crystal balls, along with their own intuition, they can physically see images of your future in their mind's eye. Although these images are choppy at best and usually not played out like a movie to the practitioner, they need to piece together the information they get from the images along with the cards to give you an accurate reading. However, no one is perfect, and readings can be interpreted wrong, so please don't ever retaliate if things don't happen the way the practitioner says. These lovely people are only trying to do you a service.
Clairvoyants are also very good at contacting and communicating with lost loved ones as they can usually "see" spirits quite clearly. Some have stronger gifts than others. The stronger practitioners can usually see and hear spirits and communicate with them as simply as you would talk to a friend. Others can only see but need to use other means of communication such as a spirit board. Clairvoyants are typically the witches you go to see if you want a reading or séance performed. Often times their "visions" will come to them in dreams. Have you heard of the individuals who predicted the events on 9/11? These where most likely clairvoyants.
Clairsentience, which means clear sensing, is the ability to "feel" the past, present and future physical and emotional states of others. They are extreme Empaths and can get very overwhelmed in crowds. It's very hard to lie to someone with this ability as they have a built in "lie detector". Practitioners with this gift are very good a giving tarot readings that have to do with relationships or personal growth. They may not "see" what your future holds, but they can "feel" the emotional effect certain people and situations will have on you. They are not as gifted in communicating with the dead because they can usually only feel a presence rather than visualize it, however they are good to have around at a séance if you are unsure whether the spirit you have contacted is actually who they say they are. Spirit boards are a great portal for tricksters.
If you are unsure whether or not to buy that beautiful, old Victorian that just came up for sale, a clairsentient would be great to have tag along at the viewing. They are able to retrieve information from houses, public buildings and outside areas. They don't typically like to hang out in cemeteries as the energy can become overbearing and cause the witch physical harm. Although most old places have some sort of spiritual activity, a clairsentient will be able to tell you if the energy of the place is monovalent. These are usually the witches you would call to "cleanse" your home or banish evil spirits that are causing you and your family discomfort. Clairsentients tend to be very introverted because absorbing the emotions of others can be very draining.
Do you think you could have one of these gifts? Maybe you think you have strength in a different area all together. Either way Blessed Be and may you gracefully transition into your path.
Very well written. I totally agree with a lot of your comments on Clairvoyant and Clairsentient. I’m nervous, but intrigued, to go in to some of these type places for fear of being overloaded. A lot of times, for me, just being near a place can cause a spark. In time I hope to turn the fear in to acceptance. Any spirits I ever saw are like you said, clear, and not movie like.