Many people think that paganism and witchcraft go hand in hand. This does not necessarly have to be true. Witchcraft is just that, a craft. Paganism is a belief. There are many a pagan who do not practice witchcraft. In fact you can be a Christian witch. Witchcraft is the practice of magical skills and abilities. It can be as simple as lighting a candle or taking a bath with salts or flowers. Have you ever seen a pretty rock or cool looking stick on the ground that you just had to bring home with you? Well that’s the basework to witchcraft.
Witchcraft was not always viewed in a negative light. In fact, in the past the exact opposite was true. Witches, sorcerers and healers were regarded with great respect. A witch could travel anywhere they pleased and were always offered shelter and food because it was believed to cause your family bad luck if you treated them poorly. If a traveling witch was visiting the home of a king or queen, they would step down from their thrones for the duration of the visit. Witches did not rank anywhere in society because they outranked everyone. They were considered Devine creatures and only second to the Gods themselves. They were the main source of any communications between man and higher powers.
There are many different types of witchcraft, both practiced today and in the past. Here is a list of the different types. If you are just starting out on this path and are curious, or simple don’t know what to identify yourself with, this may be helpful.
1) Alexandrian Witch:
Alexandrian witchcraft is fairly new. Comeing about only in the 1960’s. This practice was introduced by Alex Sanders and his wife Maxine. It stems from Gardnerian Wicca and uses its beliefs as a base to this form of witchcraft. In Alexandrian Wicca there are three levels of witchcraft, following an initiation, that a follower can attain.
2) Augury Witch:
An augury witch is an interperator between the Otherworld and a person on a spiritual quest. Not to be confused however with a witch who tells prophecies.
3) Ceremonial Witch:
Cerimonial witches hold ceremonies and rituals in high esteem. They may be found to always have a Book of Shadows on hand. They are known to follow rituals to a tee and may call upon deities to aid in said rituals. They tend to give offerings.
4) Dianic Witch:
This is the most feminist of all the Wiccan movements. This religion focuses mainly on the worship of the Goddess Diana. They worship her in all her facets, Maiden , Mother and Crone. Dianic witchcraft is also a newer religion, comeing to light in the 1950’s. Although Dianic witches are mainly women, men can be allowed to attain equal status with a woman by recognizing the Devine masculine as well as the Devine feminine.
5) Druid:
Not much is known of the Druids historically as not many written documents exist. One written piece that describes the Druids is Julius Caesar’s diary of “The Gallic Wars.” They we’re described as being organized, with their own rites and rituals. They acted as guardians of ancient law and could execute judgement on others. Druids of today don’t follow any sacred texts or dogma. They have a spiritual vision of life and believe another world exists that we aren’t always able to perceive. They worship nature, engage in prayer, mediation and ceremonies that mark important passages in nature.
6) Electic Witch:
An Electic Witch does not follow any certain religion or practice. These individuals tune into their own intuition and practice what works for them alone. Their practices derive from their own studies.
7) Gardnerian Witch:
Gardnerian Wicca is another fairly new religion, being introduced in the 1950’s by Gerald Gardner. He is known to most as the “Father of Wicca.” One can only become a Gardnerian Witch by initiation. You cannot initiate yourself however, it must be done by a priest or priestess. In this practice there are various degrees of witchcraft one can attain. There is a structured system where you gradually learn more and more.
8) Green Witch:
The green witch predominantly communicates with Mother Earth and works with her energies. They do all of their practices and worship in natural places and make their own materials. There are two types of green witches: The Flora Witch- this witch uses mostly floral materials, and the Herbal Witch- this witch uses herbs and other types of plants.
9) Hedge Witch:
The tradition of a hedge Witch is usually symbolized by a type of bird. These practitioners have the ability to venture into the Otherworld and communicate with the spirit realm. They are recognized as powerful healers and midwives. They specialize in deliverance of spiritual messages into our physical reality and vice versa.
10) Hereditary Witch:
A Hereditary Witch is born into a family where the members practice witchcraft that has been passed down through generations. But just because you are born into this family you still have free choice. You are only a hereditary witch if you consciously accept the practice.
11) Kitchen Witch:
A kitchen witch is not confined to the kitchen cooking potions and magical stews. They use practicle tools and enjoy making their home and surroundings a sacred place. They make everyday tasks sacred.
12) Secular Witch:
A secular witch may use crystals, herbs and stones in their practice but they do not recognize them as Devine or spiritual. They believe that the materials and energies they connect with come from the natural world but they don’t necessarily worship any deities or spirits.
13) Shaman:
This practitioner can reach altered states of consciousness by engaging in certain shamanistic rituals. When entered in this trance state they have access to the spirit realm. They can communicate with and sometimes influence spirits. They are great at channeling messages as well as performing divination and healing.
14) Solitary Witch:
These witches do not belong to any set practice, group or organization. They are believed to have practiced their craft over many lifetimes and upon reaching puberty their knowledge is re-awakened. They don’t need help or guidance from any group or organization to perform their magickal rites.
So as you can see, there is no right or wrong way to practice witchcraft. Just do what feels right to you, and may you be blessed with an easy journey.