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  • Writer's pictureLunay

Tarot for July 17, 2019- The Otter in reverse

Our life’s journey is hard at times. But that’s ok, it’s meant to be, otherwise we would never learn anything. This card suggests that you may be going against the natural order of things. Are you afraid of change? Are you just stubborn? Although the Otter urges us to be playful at times, don’t get so caught up in the “fun” that you ignore the demands and responsibilities of adulthood. The Universe is working very hard right now to help individuals let go of their pasts and to prepare for their rewritten futures. Don’t be stubborn and ignore those signs. And have no fear of the changes it will bring, as you have the Universe on your side. You are never alone. So relax today and allow the All Mother into your soul. She will nurture, protect and guide you to exactly where you need to be. Blessed Be.

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